Sunday, April 6, 2008

Breast Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment - Get the Complete Facts and Protect Yourself

A diagnosis of breast cancer is devastating news, and each year it is conveyed to more than 250,000 women - and about 4,000 men - in the United States. But while life's priorities change in the face of unfavorable health news, some experts say it is a time when patients should be at their most vigilant, understanding what their options are, whether to seek a second opinion, and having a firm handle on what is meant by the phrase.

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among American women, behind skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women, behind lung cancer. Even without a medical diagnosis, a lump can trigger fear, tears and emotional upheaval. Even knowing that 80 per cent of breast lumps are benign doesn't help ease the anxiety

For most women, a breast-cancer diagnosis hits their lives like a bombshell, frequently changing forever relationships with loved ones, family members and friends, and how they view themselves and their own health. Because breast cancer is a disease that attacks a part of the anatomy most frequently linked to womanhood, many newly diagnosed women feel as though they've been hit with a double whammy.

With early detection, your chances of cure for Breast Cancer are very good. Best breast cancer diagnosis is early diagnosis. More than 95 percent of breast cancer cases are curable if caught in the early stages. The problem, he said, has been getting women to give themselves breast examinations to detect lumps, to receive mammograms and see their doctors. BREAST CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT

Breast Cancer Awareness Going Pink In October

Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths for American women. This year, an estimated 180,000 Americans will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

Early detection allows early intervention and is the best way to increase the chance for survival. Mammograms and other screening services can help doctors diagnose cancer before it has a chance to spread. Early detection makes treatment more effective, it gives hope to patients, and it saves lives.

No one knows why some women get breast cancer, but there are a number of risk factors, such as age, genes and family history that are risks unfortunately you can't change. Other risks include being overweight, using hormone replacement therapy, taking birth control pills, drinking alcohol or having dense breasts.

According to Dr. Antonio Nelson, M.D., “Symptoms of Breast Cancer may include a lump in the breast, a change in size or shape of the breast or discharge from a nipple.” ”Breast self-exam, mammography screening, and the use of ultrasound, can be beneficial and help find breast cancer early,” said Dr. Nelson. Regular check-ups , and knowing your family history, may also help in early detection, prevention and treatment.

Treatment may consist of radiation, lumpectomy, mastectomy , chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Men can have Breast Cancer, too, but the number of cases detected is small. For more information go to; or ask your primary physician for local resources available.

The Effect Of Breast Implants On Breast Cancer Detection And Treatment

While not commonly asked, one of the first questions a potential breast augmentation should ask is...does the breast implant interfere with being able to detect breast cancer? Since breast cancer in the United States affects one in 11 women during their lifetime, this is a fairly important question. As breast augmentation procedures continue to be on the rise, this important question should be thoroughly addressed.

In a recently published analysis of this topic by Dr. Neal Handel of Santa Barbara, California in the December 2007 Supplement issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, he does exactly that. Using over 4,000 patients over a 23 year period, he assessed how easily mammography detected breast lesions. Women with breast implants presented more frequently with breast masses, invasive tumors, and axillary node spread. However, there was no significant difference in stage of disease, tumor size, recurrence, or survival between the two groups. Despite the diminished sensitivity of mammograms to detect breast cancer in women with implants, nonaugmented women and augmented women are diagnosed at similar stages of disease and have similar prognoses. In women with breast implants, the use of conservation therapy (which almost always involves radiation) in breast cancer treatment resulted in a high rate of implant contarctures and poor cosmetic outcomes as a result.

In a companion study in the same Supplement, Dr. Dennis Deapen of Los Angeles, California evaluated literature over the past 20 years which examined breast cancer-related risks among breast implant patients. He found that women with breast implants do not experience delayed detection of breast cancer. He summarized that breast implants are not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer incidence or death and these patients do not experience delayed detection or poorer survival after breast cancer treatments.

These two published studies should go far to alleviate any concerns in potential and existing breast implant patients about the detection and treatment of breast cancer.

How To Prevent Breast Cancer By Diet – Eat Fibre

In this article, you will discover:

What is fibre?
Why is fibre vital in the prevent breast cancer diet?

What Is Fibre?

All foods, which you consume, which are derived from plants contain fibre, typically:

This fibre is passed undigested through your small intestines.

The following foods are good sources of fibre:

Research has shown that a high fibre diet can reduce the development of certain health conditions, one being breast cancer.

Why Is Fibre Vital In The Prevent Breast Cancer Diet?

Including high amounts of fibre is vital in the prevent breast cancer diet because research has shown that insoluble fibre from whole grains, such as those present in wholegrain bread, can delay the development of breast cancer in animals.

Other studies have found that this also relates to people, women who consume a lot of whole grains are less likely to develop breast cancer, especially young women.

It is thought that young women, whose diet is high in whole grains, are less likely to develop breast cancer than older women.

This is because fibre lowers oestrogen levels in premenopausal women, but not in postmenopausal women.

Apart from lowering oestrogen, the substances phytate and isoflavones present in fibre are believed to protect against breast cancer.

So, to sum up...

Including high amounts of fibre within your diet is a good idea to prevent breast cancer.

Breast cancer in postmenopausal women is known to be partly caused by estrogen, fibre is known to help the body removed and lower high amounts of estrogen.

To prevent breast cancer, it is best to have a high fibre and low fat diet. This is why vegetarians are less likely to develop breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

Whenever breast cancer first develops, there could be no symptoms, and sometimes the only detectable signs come when the cancer has grown to an uncontrollable size.


A method to determine if a person has breast cancer is to check for lumps. It can be difficult to verify if a lump is due to breast cancer, because a woman breast tends to feel lumpy and tender before she undergoes her monthly menstrual cycle. Experiencing pain in the breast does not necessarily mean that a person has breast cancer as well. Benign cancer cells may cause pain, but they are not life threatening. The best way to determine if there is a condition is to consult a doctor.


Signs to look for personal protection from breast cancer are: if there is a sudden change in sensation in the nipple; check for the tenderness of the nipple; if there is a sudden change in the appearance of the breast or the nipple; if the nipple turned inward into the breast; if you notice a lump on the breast or in the underarm area; if the skin on the breast, areola or nipple becomes red, scaly and swollen, and may appear to look like an orange peel; or if there are fluid discharges or bleeding in the nipple.


This is usually the first sign if a person has breast cancer. Whether it is a male or a female patient, he may experience a lump in the breast if he acquires the disease.

Having a lump is not a guarantee that a person does have cancer. 9 out of 10 patients who find lumps in their breast found out that these were benign cells, meaning they are non-lethal cancer cells. Even if the person has inverted nipples, blood stains or fluid discharge from the nipple or rashes, this can all mean other things. The best way to verify the existence of the condition is to seek professional medical opinion.

Breast Cancer provides detailed information on Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Treatments, Breast Cancer Symptoms, Cause Of Breast Cancer and more. Breast Cancer is affiliated with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

Why The Opposite Breast Should Be Evaluated With MRI?

Breast cancer is a worldwide problem with which causes 502,000 deaths per year worldwide. In the United States breast cancer is the most common form of cancer diagnosed in women. Every year more than 40,000 women in the United States die of breast cancer. It is estimated the a woman living in the United States have one in eight chance of developing breast cancer and one in thirty three chance of dying from the disease.

Incidence of breast cancer shows a dramatically increasing trend since 1970s and this increased incidence is thought to be related to the changes in life style. Compared to 1970s more women are now delaying their first pregnancy and have relatively smaller families. These factors have an effect on the level of hormonal exposure during life time and this is considered to be a major factor in the increasing breast cancer incidence in the western world.

With breast cancer being so much of a prevalent disease everything should be done to prevent the occurrence of the breast cancer and to detect the breast cancer early once it develops.

Mammogram is a technique that is very commonly used to screen women for early detection of breast cancer. Mammogram helps to detect breast cancer at a very early stage when it is more likely to be cured by surgery with or without chemotherapy and radiation therapy. MRI is a better technique to detect breast cancer early and it is proven to be more sensitive and effective in detecting breast cancer early. However this technique is not very widely available and is much more expensive compared to mammogram. Because of this reason MRI is not routinely recommended for the purpose of screening for breast cancer. However MRI is widely used in cases where the women in question are high risk for the development of breast cancer or when the mammogram result is inconclusive.

A recent study that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine has shown that women who are diagnosed with breast cancer on one breast have high risk of having breast cancer on the other breast at the time of diagnosis. This study showed that more than 3% of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer had another cancer in the other breast. These were not detected by mammograms and if mammogram alone was used these 3% of women would not have found out that they have cancer in the other breast. Because of this finding it would be best if every woman with diagnosis of a breast cancer try to obtain an MRI of the opposite breast to evaluate for small breast cancer that may be present in the opposite breast. Mammogram is not enough in this setting.

The author is a paramedical professional and a freelance health information writer. Author contributes his work on various websites including

Breast Cancer - How You Can Return To Your Sexual Life After Breast Cancer Treatment

There are some changes in sexual life which a breast cancer victim has to face after undergoing breast cancer treatment. Continue reading this article if you want to discover how a breast cancer survivor can return to normal sex and intimacy.

It is very difficult for a women to return to their normal sex life after going under breast cancer treatment. The most important thing what a woman needs after the treatment of breast cancer is a sexual health program.

It is a difficult task to have sex after the regular side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, such as vaginal dryness. This is due to premature menopause which causes pain during sex. Usually it takes a longer time to get aroused and the touch of your partner is not as pleasurable as before.

The steps of treatment of breast cancer like radiotherapy and chemotherapy makes the breast more sensitive to touch and if a women has gotten a mastectomy it is great shock for the patient as well as for her partner.

It is very important to regularly visit your gynecologist during and after the treatment of breast cancer. The women who suffer from cancer of the breast are at greater risk of cervical cancer and atrophy of the vagina.

But there is some good news. The side effects of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment do not last for a long time. About six months later the woman who as gone under the treatment of cancer are ready for to resume having sex again. But these six months are full of stress and anxiety and some special techniques and ideas should be followed to return to normal sex life.

Breast Cancer-Sex and Intimacy will give you proper information about how to get rid of common problems which a breast cancer victim face after treatment of cancer.For more information on breast cancer and other latest health issues visit a blog being run by Jitesh Arora.

Breast Health And Other Diseases In Women

The female breasts are a very important part of the female body. Their proper health needs to be maintained. An inability to do so may result in breast related diseases. There are various other conditions that can affect the female breasts. Due to this, care has to be taken and certain tips should be followed for healthy breasts. Diseases that affect the breast include benign fibrocystic breasts as well as breast cancer.

Some information about one particular disease that affects the female breasts is given. Knowledge about the cause and treatment of breast cancer is inadequate. Breast cancer can develop irrespective of the age group. Breast cancer need not necessarily run in families. Breast cancer can happen to any women. But if there are cases of breast cancer within the family then chances increase considerably. So, it is better to get a check up done regularly. Usually, people think that breast cancer occurs due to the presence of a gene that has been mutated. This mutated gene could be BRCA1 or even BRCA2. The absence of this gene doesn't imply that breast cancer will not occur. About ninety percent of women who are detected with breast cancer do not have this particular mutated gene in them or in their family.

Breast cancer does not really develop if the women are exposed to risk factors that are already known. In spite of not knowing the risk factors women can fall prey to breast cancer. A major portion of women who have breast cancer have not really had any exposure to the existing risk factors. This implies that each and every woman has equal chances of developing breast cancer. Unfortunately, breast cancer is not a disease that can be prevented completely. A drug called Tamoxifen can reduce the chances of suffering from breast cancer. But complete prevention is not possible. The cause of breast cancer is still not known. The only method of living through breast cancer is to detect it early and get it treated.

Breastfeeding can reduce the chances of occurrence of breast cancer in the perimenopausal stage. Studies have been conducted to find out if hormone replacement can be done in order to reduce the chances of breast cancer. In spite of tremendous research in the field of breast cancer, its causative factors are relatively unknown. Proper care of breasts should be taken to maintain good health.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Businesses Supporting the Cause

Currently, the month of October is designated as the official National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM). For over two decades, NBCAM has successfully educated women of all ages about early detection, treatment, and diagnosis of breast cancer. Non-profit organizations such as Karmanos Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the National Breast Cancer Foundation are devoted to raising money for breast cancer research and educating women (and men) about the disease, supporting those with breast cancer, and celebrating the individuals who have survived it.

Companies such as Macy’s and Target are inviting their consumers to join them in the fight against breast cancer. The “Pink Ribbon Items” are sold to help support breast cancer research. These companies have agreed to donate a portion of the proceeds to breast cancer charities. Most items related to breast cancer awareness can be identified with a pink label or a pink ribbon. Ford Motor Company has supported breast cancer research for over 10 years by donating money and selling pink silk scarves specifically for breast cancer charities. All businesses are invited to invest in unique corporate gifts that help support breast cancer research. There are corporate gifts available that are embellished with the breast cancer awareness “pink ribbon”. Some of the other gifts are manufactured in pink and can be personalized with a monogram. These breast cancer awareness business gifts range any where from heart-shaped luggage tags to pink leather totes.

Breast cancer awareness is not limited to woman only. Men are encouraged to support the cause as well. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 1600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. Even the most masculine man should rethink wearing pink when it comes to supporting a great cause.

Although, October is designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, supporting the cause can be a year-round commitment. Those who are unaffected by breast cancer should help join the fight against breast cancer for their loved ones. Whether you decide to participate in an American Cancer Society sponsored walk, donate money to breast cancer charities, or invest in business gifts that help support breast cancer research, you will certainly contribute to saving someone’s life.

Facts on Breast Cancer

Women of all ethnic backgrounds are afflicted by breast cancer. Last year, over 212.000 women in the U.S. were diagnosed with breast cancer. Each year, over 40,000 American women die of complications related to the disease.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK - the disease is diagnosed in 42,000 women every year.

The chance of a woman developing breast cancer increases as she gets older. The risk factors include age, family history, early periods, late menopause, hormonal factors, not having children, drinking too much, obesity and inactivity.

The risk of breast cancer is especially high for women age 60 and older. It is rare in women younger than age 35.

Many large studies have documented the benefit of mammography in the early detection of breast cancer. On average, mammograms will detect 80% to 90% asymptomatic breast cancer.

Women should have positive lifestyle choices in order to decrease the risk factors of breast cancer. Every woman should pay attention to the following factors:

- Decrease daily fat intake, limit red meat and eat leaner meats.

- Increase fiber in the daily diet. Eat more whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits.

- Limit alcohol because there is evidence that women who have 2 or more drinks per day have a small increase in breast cancer risk.

- Be active. Include moderate amount of physical activity (for example taking a brisk, 30-minute walk) on most days of the week.

- Maintain the healthy body weight suggested by a health professional.

- Stop smoking. Although smoking does not cause breast cancer, other cancers may spread to the breast

Friday, April 4, 2008

Breast Cancer Survival Rate - Stage 2 Breast Cancer

The 5-year breast cancer survival rate for stage 2 breast cancer diagnosed in the U.S. varies according to size of the tumor and whether or not cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

If the breast cancer is under 2 centimeters in diameter and has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm (the axillary lymph nodes), it is stage IIA breast cancer and the survival rate is 88%-92% (American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute).

If the breast cancer is between 2-5 centimeters but has not spread, it is also called stage IIA.

If the breast cancer is between 2-5 centimeters in diameter and has spread to the lymph nodes, it is called stage IIB breast cancer and the 5-year breast cancer survival rate is 76%-81%.

If the breast cancer is larger than 5 centimeters but has not spread beyond the breast, it is also called stage IIB

Up to 29% of diagnosed breast cancer is Stage 2 breast cancer for white women and 36% for black women. An average of 62% of all breast cancer is diagnosed when it is still localized to the breast area or Stage 1 breast cancer. If the cancer is detected early enough, such as Stage 1 breast cancer, then the 5-year breast cancer survival rate is as high as 98%-100%. Early detection is the most important way to save the lives of cancer patients.

Fortunately for breast cancer patients, there has been a great deal of effort put into providing information about early detection. Early detection and improved treatments are the primary reason for increasing breast cancer survival rates.

Women can help themselves with monthly self-examinations done at the same time every month. When a woman is 20 she should make sure that she gets a clinical examination at least every three years. After the age of 40, the clinical exams should be part of her annual health check-up, along with her mammogram.

Women can also help themselves with healthy habits that may help breast cancer prevention, such as regular moderate exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding excessive alcohol. These, and other healthy habits should be maintained for life since the risk of breast cancer increases with age.

There is also a 10% chance of breast cancer recurrence even after successful treatment. You can learn about three healthy habits that have shown a 50% decrease in breast cancer recurrence at

For more information on scientific research showing dramatically increased breast cancer survival rate, see

Breast Cancer Symptoms And Diagnosis

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in women if the relatively less aggressive skin cancer is excluded from counting. Breast cancer accounts for about 32 percent of all cancer diagnosed in women.

Breast cancer is very uncommon in male. In families carrying the breast cancer associated genes, male members may be affected disproportionately compared to the general population. In the general population female to male breast cancer may occur at a rate of 1 to 100 (1:100 for male: female).

Prior to introduction of mammography screening breast cancer was often diagnosed as a large lump in the breast, because women were not paying attention to the development of breast tumors. Introduction of mammography had significantly changed the natural history breast caner. In industrialized nations like the United States breast caner is most commonly detected on mammography screening. Mammography screening also brought a great sense of awareness to women and this has resulted in earlier detection of breast cancer.

Even if a woman does not get mammography screening, they are very much aware of the risk of development of breast cancer and thus tend to observe and even examine their breasts. Most women do self-breast examination in between mammograms. Because of this increased awareness, women presenting with locally advanced breast cancer are quite rare in the industrialized nations.

In some women breast cancer may have spread to distant organs, before mammography screening or symptoms showed the breast cancer. This can happen because early stage breast cancer does not usually cause any symptoms. If the cancer has spread to other organs these women may present with symptoms related to these organs. For example if the cancer has spread to the bone the woman may develop bone pain or bone fracture.

Diagnosis of breast cancer involves a biopsy procedure. Most often an abnormality in the mammogram leads to a biopsy, many other times, the woman may have felt a lump in the breast or the physician examining the patient may have felt a lump in the breast.

Biopsy is the procedure by which a small part of the breast tissue is removed and examined under the microscope. A typical beast cancer would show classic features of breast cancer. Sometimes the abnormality may be a non-invasive breast cancer or so called carcinoma in situ.

Breast Cancer Survival Rate - Stage 1 Breast Cancer

With very early detection, the breast cancer survival rate is excellent. The American Cancer Society reports a 5-year survival rate of 98% to 100% for Stage 1 breast cancer after treatment.

Stage 1 breast cancer is less than 2 centimeters in diameter and has not spread beyond the breast tissue itself.

Currently, 63% of breast cancer for U. S. white women is detected and diagnosed while it is still localized to the breast tissue as Stage 1 breast cancer. Only 53% of breast cancer in U. S. black women is diagnosed while the breast cancer is still localized.

The difference in early detection rates between white women and black women is usually attributed to economic disparity and the lack of health insurance. It also helps explain the fact that in the U. S., breast cancer incidence for black women is 11% lower than for white women, but the breast cancer death rate for black women is 35% higher (NCI, SEER, 2007). The death rate increases when breast cancer detection and diagnosis are postponed while the cancer spreads.

The U.S. National Cancer Institute predicts that approximately 178,480 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2007. The annual death rate from breast cancer is around 41,000 in the U.S. North American white women have the highest rate of breast cancer in the world.

Improving breast cancer survival rates by early detection requires regular observation, monthly self-examinations, and following medical recommendations for examinations and testing.

Monthly self-examinations should be done at the same time each month. Clinical examinations by a health care provider should start by the time a woman is 20 years old and continue at least every three years until age 40. After age 40, the clinical exams should be included in the annual health check-ups. Annual mammograms after age 40 will help detect breast cancer at the earliest stages.

Since 1 in every 8 women will face a diagnosis of breast cancer in their lives, improving the breast cancer survival rate should also include breast cancer prevention by reducing risk factors. Some breast cancer risk factors like genetics and family history can’t be changed, but they account for only a small percentage of breast cancer cases. Factors that have shown an increase in breast cancer include overweight, hormone therapy, and increased alcohol consumption. Factors that may help breast cancer prevention include breast feeding, maintaining a healthy weight, and regular exercise.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a cancer that affects the breast tissue. The primary victims of this type of cancer are females. Statistics show that approximately one out of 11 to 12 women of the Western world are affected by breast cancer. Medical researches have tried aggressively to find a solution to detect the problem earlier or to treat the problem. About 20 percent of the women affected by breast cancer still fall prey to it and eventually die. In fact, breast cancer ranks second in cancer deaths for women.

Most breast cancer starts in the cells that line up the ducts. There are occasions where the cancer cells originate from the lobules, and then spread to other tissues.

Many breast cancer diagnosis starts in the checking of lumps I the breast. Although most cases of lumps are benign, meaning they are not cancerous, but doctors often ask a patient to undergo biopsy to make sure that cells are not malignant. Most of the lumps are caused by cysts. These lumps may cause pain and swelling of the breast accompanied at times by clear or cloudy discharge in the nipple which happens before the menstrual cycle period is about to begin in a woman. The symptoms may lead to the person to seek a medical check-up.

Male Victims

Breast cancer is not limited to women though; male victims are present as well. The breast of both male and female have identical tissues, so a man is also prone to acquiring the cancer. It is believed that females are more prone to men because the breast of a woman constantly goes through growth changing hormones, thus the cells are more exposed to cancerous change.

Breast Cancer Awareness

As more and more people fall ill to breast cancer, the month of October has been deemed as breast cancer month, to commemorate those who passed away from the cancer, the family and friends survived by the deceased. A pink ribbon is the symbol that a person is joining in the commemoration.

Can Breast Cancer Be Detected Earlier?

Breast screening can be referred to as the test or examination of breast which is used to detect any type of disease, such as cancer, in people who do not have any such symptoms. The aim of breast screening test for early breast cancer detection is to find out or detect if there is any atom of cancer before it starts causing any symptoms.

Self examination and physical examination of the breast is also another way to detect breast cancer earlier and constant checking will help to detect breast cancer earlier.

Most breast cancers that are detected is just because it can be felt tend to be larger and are more likely to have spread beyond the breast. In other hand, breast cancer that is been found during screening examinations is likely to be small, still confined to the breast and can be treated.

More women are surviving this deadly disease called breast cancer just because of routine screening and early detection and improved treatments. Breast cancer does not have any outward signs which can be seen or feel. If there is an outward sign, the more common ones should include: a dimple in the breast or a lump that is an area of thickening but the common signs include breast swelling and redness or an enlarged underarm lymph node.

If it happens that you have more of these signs, it does not mean that you have breast cancer. Have in mind that most breast lumps turn out to be benign and not cancerous but it is important for you to see your doctor immediately to avoid unnecessary worry that might have breast cancer. For your doctor examine you will ease some if not all your worry, and if anything is found, you will be able to take care of it as soon as possible.

Four Inflammatory Breast Cancer Signs & Six FAQs

Nearly 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year and over 40,000 will die from it. There are seven different types of breast cancer, some more severe and with a lower survival rate than others.

One breast cancer type called Inflammatory breast cancer, or IBC, is a unique and aggressive kind that is rare, accounts for 1 - 5% of all cases, but deadly. It is one of the only breast cancer types that have no lumps, which makes it one of the most undetectable and scariest.

There are four breast cancer signs that could mean you have inflammatory breast cancer:

Skin around the breast is hot to the touch

Breasts are asymmetrical and were not before

The skin becomes red or pink

There is discharge from the nipples

Below are six frequently asked questions about inflammatory breast cancer.

What should you do if you if you have these symptoms?
If any of these signs persist for more than a week, speak to a physician.

What is the median age affected?
Women 45 – 55 are more susceptible to this specific type of breast cancer.

How do you identify inflammatory breast cancer?
Through surgical biopsy. IBC cannot be identified through Mammogram, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), or Core biopsy.

What is the survival rate?
IBC has a 40% survival rate over a five year period. Many times the surgeon may remove the breast too early and cause a reoccurrence.

How is Inflammatory Breast Cancer Treated?
Chemotherapy before surgery, as well as drugs such as trastuzumab and lapatinib.

Breast Cancer - What You Should Know

What is it? Abnormal cell growth in an uncontrolled way is called as cancer. Your breasts are made up of glands which consist of cells. These glands produce breast milk after pregnancy. The cells that make the glands sometimes may become uncontrolled and grow in an inorderly manner and cause a lump.
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in females. WHO (World Health Organization) estimated that breast cancer is the main cause of cancer death among women. Some breast cancers may occur in males but it is very rare. When you find a small lump in your breast, be aware, it may be breast cancer.
All lumps that you find may not be an indicator of breast cancer. But find it out, it may be also. In general lumps in your breast do not mean cancer in most of the cases. But make it sure through checking by a medical professional. There are two types of lumps or tumours, one is benign and the other is malignant. Benign tumours do not spread but the malignant do. They are the breast cancer causing tumours.
Breast cancer starts with a limp and then spread to other parts of your body. It may grow quickly or slowly. Early diagnosis is important for survival. There are different types of breast cancers present. They are – Ductal carcinoma. The spread of this type among women is 65 to 90 %Lobular carcinoma 10 %Metaplastic carcinomaInflammatory breast cancerPapillary carcinoma 1%Medullary carcinoma 5 %Colloid carcinoma 2%
Bikash is an MBA who works as an freelance writer. He worked for one of the best private banks in India. He has been writing for the last 5 years. He has worked with many US,UK and Indian clients.

The Spread Of Breast Cancer

There was a time when the main victim of breast cancer was white, well off women. The disease was though to afflict only women in developed societies. Breast cancer may have had a limited range in the past, but today breast cancer is changing. In Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, breast cancer rates are rising at enormous levels.
In the past decade alone, breast cancer rates in these less developed countries have risen as much as seven times. The huge increase in breast cancer rates in less developed countries is quickly putting an end to the well off, white woman stereotype.
By the year 2020, it is estimated that 70% of global breast cancer rates will come from those living in developing countries. Some of the reason for this change is actually because of better sanitation and control of diseases. The technological improvement in these developing countries has extended the life spans of the low and middle class residents.
Since breast cancer affects an older demographic of women, a longer life span is part of the reason why breast cancer rates are rising in developing countries. A further reason why breast cancer rates in developing countries are rising could be because of the spread of western habits. Habits such as fatty diets and lack of exercise may lead to higher breast cancer rates.
While these higher global breast cancer rates are a concern, global efforts have been formed to fight breast cancer. Susan G. Komen for the Cure is an advocacy group with 125 affiliates around the world. The group is putting together a plan of action against breast cancer for 31 countries. Breast cancer is a rising problem, but many people are uniting against the disease.

Breast Cancer - Another Obesity Victim

Obesity raises the risk of various types of cancer. And only 3% people know that obesity increases cancer risks. According to a recent research based on one million Americans conducted by the American cancer society, 14% of cancer deaths in men and 20% of cancer deaths in women occur due to Obesity. Scientists say that 90,000 deaths can be avoided in America if they take good care to maintain their body weight. Women are more likely to get cancer in their breasts, gallbladder, ovaries, colon and cervix while men get cancer in colon and rectum.
Breast cancer in women:There are more than 200 different types of cancer, but together breast, lung, bowel and prostate cancer cover half of the cancer cases. Breast cancer is the most common cancer found in females. Overweight and obesity are the major causes of breast cancer.
Obesity and Breast cancer risk in females:Obese women have higher amounts of estrogen in their body. Estrogen is mainly produced from the fatty tissues and more amount of fat in your body means you have higher chances of getting affected by breast cancer. Good nutrition, healthy living conditions and a fine environment may help girls to start puberty earlier in life and attain menopause later. Estrogen develops though out the fertility period. And better levels of estrogen in the body increases the risk of breast cancer in women.
Breast cancer in men:Breast cancer is generally found in females but it is also seen in males. Recent research shows that breast cancer among males is also on the increase. And obesity is one of its main causes. In males too estrogen is responsible for breast cancer.
Obesity and breast cancer :• Obesity affects both the development and progression of breast cancer.• Post menopausal cancer risk is higher among obese women.• Breast cancer mortality is higher in obese women.• Body weight measured at different times during life also causes breast cancer.

Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

There are many different risk factors for breast cancer. The most significant of these risks factors is gender and age. Most occurrences of breast cancer occur in a certain gender and age group. Even though those outside this gender and age group are still at risk for breast cancer, the risk is not as great.
Women are at the greatest risk of developing breast cancer. Contrary to what many people believe, men can also develop breast cancer. However, women are at a much greater risk of developing breast cancer than men. Age also plays a factor in the development of breast cancer. The cancer is far more common in women over 50 versus women under 20.
Women who have relatives with breast cancer are also at a greater risk of developing the cancer themselves. This risk increases with first-degree relatives like a mother, sister, or daughter. A male relative with prostate cancer also increases the risk of developing breast cancer. If a mother and sister both have breast cancer then the risk is increased.
A history of breast cancer also leaves women at a greater risk of developing the same cancer. This happens when the cancer cells spread to the lymph glands. There is a great risk that the cancer will develop in the opposite breast. When breast conservation therapy is used as treatment for the cancer, there is a risk of cancer redeveloping in the same breast.
Some hormonal factors increase the risk of breast cancer. A woman who started her menstrual period before the age of 12 has a slightly increased risk of developing breast cancer. This is also true of women that have menopause after 55, women who have a first child after age 30, and women that have never had children.
If you happen to fall into this category,You should have a mamograhm at Least once a year.
As Like any Cancer it can sneak up on us very Quickly. Early detection is our best chance of fighting this Disease.

What Are The Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

In our world today, breast cancer is one of the most common diseases and causes of death mostly among women. Breast cancer also occur in men though it is less common since the breast is being composed of identical tissues in both males and females.
In the early stage, breast cancer can be in form of painful lump and at times be presented as breast pain. It can also come as inflammation when it is associated with the skin. In this case the breast tumour itself is causing inflammatory reaction of the skin and this causes a lot of pains, swelling, redness of the breast and also warmth throughout the breast.
In addition to this, changes in the shape and appearance of the breast is also suspicious to breast cancer. Before the arrival of X-ray of the breast (mammography) breast cancer is mostly discovered as not showing the evidence of the disease before the symptom comes to existence, which means that the X-ray helps a lot to detect this deadly disease earlier.
Though not all the breast symptoms turns out to be breast cancer but skin changes of the nipples is one of the late manifestation of cancer. At any age, the appearance of any breast symptom should be taken seriously by both the patient and the doctor meanwhile there may be possibility of breast cancer in any breast symptom.
Furthermore, breast cancer orgasms that spreads beyond original organ through blood surface, and this causes symptoms that depends on the location of the organ. These common organs include the brain, liver, lung bone etc though the symptoms on these organs may occur as a rusult of illnesses or disease.

How To Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer

For every disease there are some risk factors it is same with breast cancer. There are some risk factors which are not under the control of a person and some risk factors are those which depend on the life style of a person.
First I want to write about the factors which cannot be changed, if you are a woman your risk of getting breast cancer is automatically increased. Women are at a greater risk of getting breast cancer as the breast cells are persistently exposed to hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Men can also suffer from breast cancer but breast cancer in men is a very rare case.
Risk of breast cancer also increases with age. This is also one of the factor which a person can not control. If some gene changes are running in a family that means if the breast cancer is hereditary the chance of getting affected automatically increases without any control on it. If a woman is having cancer in one breast the chance of getting cancer in another breast or in another part of same breast increases. White women are at high risk of breast cancer than Asian women. If a women started menstruating in an early age or went through menopause in later age both of these conditions increase the risk of breast cancer. If a women has gone under radiation therapy in the area of chest because of treatment of other cancers are also at increased risk of breast cancer. Some pregnant women are given diethylstibestrol this is a drug which prevents miscarriage, but the women taking this drug are at increased risk of breast cancer.

New Breast Cancer Awareness And Information

Breast cancer can be said to be one of the oldest known type of cancer tumors in humans mostly in women. The oldest description of this deadly disease, though the term cancer was not used, was discovered in Egypt years ago.
The most prevalent cancer in women is breast cancer, it is also the second most common cause of death in women apart from lung cancer. Because the breast is composed of identical tissues in males and females, breast cancer also occurs in males though it is less common.
In the olden days before technology starts in earnest, there is a believe that there is no treatment for cancer. For years, many physicians in their practices, described similar cases with the same sad conclusion that there is no treatment for cancer.
The story remained the same until some doctors achieved greater understanding of the circulatory system that a link between breast cancer and the lymph nodes in the armpit can be established and be removed at the same time.
The first attempt to remove the lymph nodes, breast tissue, and underlying chest muscle was successful, which removed the fear that there is no treatment for the deadly disease called breast cancer.
Most breast pain or painful breast lump can be a case of early breast cancer. Since breast mammography started, breast cancer is most frequently discovered as an nodule that causes no symptom on a mammogram, before any symptoms are present.
The probability of breast cancer rises with age, but breast cancer tends to be more aggressive when it occurs in younger people