Sunday, April 6, 2008

Breast Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment - Get the Complete Facts and Protect Yourself

A diagnosis of breast cancer is devastating news, and each year it is conveyed to more than 250,000 women - and about 4,000 men - in the United States. But while life's priorities change in the face of unfavorable health news, some experts say it is a time when patients should be at their most vigilant, understanding what their options are, whether to seek a second opinion, and having a firm handle on what is meant by the phrase.

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among American women, behind skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women, behind lung cancer. Even without a medical diagnosis, a lump can trigger fear, tears and emotional upheaval. Even knowing that 80 per cent of breast lumps are benign doesn't help ease the anxiety

For most women, a breast-cancer diagnosis hits their lives like a bombshell, frequently changing forever relationships with loved ones, family members and friends, and how they view themselves and their own health. Because breast cancer is a disease that attacks a part of the anatomy most frequently linked to womanhood, many newly diagnosed women feel as though they've been hit with a double whammy.

With early detection, your chances of cure for Breast Cancer are very good. Best breast cancer diagnosis is early diagnosis. More than 95 percent of breast cancer cases are curable if caught in the early stages. The problem, he said, has been getting women to give themselves breast examinations to detect lumps, to receive mammograms and see their doctors. BREAST CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT